The Bridge
The Bridge is a publication produced annually each Fall by Samaritan Counseling Center of Southwest Georgia. The Bridge features stories related to various topics from counseling, grief, family illness, marriage, child rearing and more. The proceeds from ad sales are used to produce the magazine and to benefit the Center.
fall 2023
Click here to read this issue
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5.
In this passage, Jesus is the vine, and we – His people – are the branches. The vine is the source and sustenance of life for the branches, and the branches must abide in the vine to live and bear fruit. But have you ever looked closely at vines and branches? They often bend and meander, trail, twist and turn. In fact, they’re sometimes a tangled mess. But tangled mess and all, they are alive. And not only are they alive, but they are fruitful. Because they abide in Him.
In this edition of The Bridge, we explore how abiding and pruning improves landscapes – both physical and mental. The theme of new life emerging from what has died permeates this issue - burnt forests recover in bloom; discarded vines and straw reimagined as baskets; and a life of dance celebrated by those whom the dancer touched.
The backdrop of this publication begins and ends with light. To truly understand the power and presence of light, we may need to remember the depth of despair in utter darkness. Light becomes our hope. Jesus announced to his followers,
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12
This scripture is the predominant message throughout this seventh issue of The Bridge.
FALL 2022
Click here to read this issue.
FALL 2021
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Creativity awaits in the Fall 2021 issue of The Bridge. We’ll take a look at Seasons of Change, be encouraged by uplifting stories from Bainbridge locals, and enjoy some sweet and savory stories (and recipes!). This issue also shares Isabella’s Story — insights from SCC’s Executive Director and his daughter on teenage stress and anxiety, and tackles the signs of easting disorders and their connection to anxiety.
FALL 2020
Samaritan Counseling Center's newest publication of The Bridge with articles focusing on: How to Change your Perspective, Recognizing & Understanding Mental Illness, How to Communicate in your Relationship, as well as a look into Larry Nichols' Garden, Threads of Love led by Laura Peiper, & How to make a true Southern Treat: Mayhaw Jelly!
Click here to read online.
Fall 2019
What does family mean to you? Here at Samaritan Counseling Center, we know that counseling can be a lifeline for so many families facing challenges at different stages of life. Don’t miss the several articles in this issue, produced in collaboration with Chris Beam, Linda Turral and Wendy Bellacomo, that offer useful tips on how to navigate parenting your childhood to adulthood.
Click here to read online.
Love is in the air - or is it? Often our expectations of love and marriage are unrealistic, and the movie version of “happily ever after” has been etched into our minds. When the reality of day-to-day sets in, many couples can find themselves questioning their situation. What do we believe about marriage? What expectations do we have?
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This issue of The Bridge features the 2018 Spring Garden Tour, along with several engaging articles.
Spring 2018
Click here to read online.
Fall 2017
Our flagship issue featuring the 2017 Christmas Tour of Homes was published in September 2017. A big THANK YOU to our many advertisers, photographers and contributors! We couldn't be more pleased with this first publication!
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Support the Center by purchasing an Ad in The bridge publication
The Bridge is an annual publication. Proceeds from ad sales help in offsetting the cost of publication as well as to supplement counseling fees for those who are in need. Download the ad form here.
For more information about The Bridge, contact:
Ann Brannen, Editor & Advertising Director
Jenny Dell, Managing Editor